
The Return of Rambo

I think I was one of the few people who liked Rock Balboa. Aside from the ridiculous plot-line, the sub-par boxing sequences, and the predictable ending I thought Stallone played the part a humbled champion looking for his place in the world with alot of sincerity and depth. Wow, I can't believed I just use sincerity and depth in the same sentences as Stallone. Whatever, he was Cobra. He was also Rambo. John 'Muthafuck'n" Rambo! Looks he's appplying that same sincerity to shooting asian guerillas with an assortment of small arms by returning to his roots again in Rambo. If you need a refresher, in Rambo: First Blood the dude cauterizes his own wound with gun-powered. Anyone who doesn't think that was one of the intensest cinematic scenes ever is a communist and deserve to be shot threw with a high-powered hunting bow.

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